Welcome to The Community UMC Website


Aug. 3-9

Aug. 4-8

Aug. 4-9.

Aug 4, 11:30A.M.

Aug. 8-9

Aug 10

Aug 11, 11:30A.M.

Aug 12, 1:00 P.M.

Aug 13, 7:00 P.M

Aug 13, 1:00 P.M

Aug 18, 11:30 A.M

Aug 20, 7:00 P.M.

Aug 23, 4:30-6:30P.M.

Aug 25, 11:30A.M.

Aug 27, 1:00 P.M.

Aug 31

Sept. 1

Sept 1, 11:30 A.M

Sept. 3, 2:00 P.M.

Sept. 3, 6:00 P.M

Sept. 7

Sept. 8, 11:30A.M.
Welcome to the Community United Methodist Church web site------------------------------------------------------------- thank you for visiting-------------------------------------------------------------- Come visit us some time.


Thirty-second annual ABCC Camp

Church office closed. Rev. Fullerton at ABCC
camp, secretary on vacation. Rev. Pope may be contacted

Guyasuta Days in Sharpsburg. Come down for food
and fun. Be sure to stop at the Grace/Millvale Booth.
Rev. Pope will be there. Helping hands are always
welcome. There are jobs for all.
Clergy Skill Day at Oakmont UMC

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome

Rev. Pope away at a course of study in Ohio

CUMC services ABCC Camp Sunday. Come share
the enthusiasm and experience the excitement from camp.
Outreach Committe meets at Grace UMC

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome

Millvale bible study rescheduled. note: change of
day, date, and time.

CUMC staff parish relations vommitte meets in
Christelle room at the Aspinwall building.

Grace bible study meets with Rev. Fullerton for Sure!

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome

CUMC Trustees meet in the Blawnox building
followed at 8:00P.M. by the Administrative board.

Peach Festival Aspinwall Presbyterian Church

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome

Bible study meets at Grace with Rev. Fullerton

Fifth Sunday Special Offering for notrh Shore Ministries
Community Services- Hymn Sing come choose your favorites

Labor Day church office closed. Have a safe holiday
Get ready to begin a new program year!

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome

Bible study meets at Millvale with Rev. Fullerton

Bible study meets at Grace with Rev. Pope

First Sunday in the new Program year.

Quilting Fingers at work at Community: Blawnox.
New Quilters Welcome